Summer Rumble II (Online)
25 July 2020, 11:30 – 21:00
Standard Constructed
2 Rounds + Finals
10 Spieler
Der nachfolgende Text stammt von Nikica Novaković, dem Turniersieger.
It has always annoyed me how unable I'm to go forward with :AUS: decks. If you're not Tzimisce and threatening torpor no one cares. Similar goes if you have Sniper rifles. Good defense - no offense. Improvised Flamethrowers solve both. The very obvious downside is it explodes if you take damage on long range. Dust Up helps there. (Crows + Bats will still get you) but can't have it all. Dust up also saves you blood even when you don't have burninators. Small downside is Dust Up does not work nicely with .44 as you commit to strike when you maneuver. Math is quite different when usual 2 blood loss from .44/Sniper Rifle changes to lost action to get out of torpor and 3 blood lost so actions go through and you are attacked less frequently
One discard is not enough if you get stuck with bounces and no one bleeds or you get your 3 weapons and need to get rid of Discuised Weapon and ... weapons.
I was thinking of +2 Powerbase LA and replace Spirit's touch for Guardian Vigil
also lose Revolt. That's bit too much master phases but 13 anarch cards are can be used to unlock your ladies.
I'm also thinking ditching Aleph for Isabel de Leon. It's extremely rare he will have a weapon to get though on or off turn.
Deck Name: Improvised madness revolt
Author: Nikica Novaković
Description: Dust Up your Improvised Flamethrower and Revolt with a Smile
Crypt ( 12 cards; Capacity min=1 max=6 avg=3.8 )
4x Anarch Convert 1 -none- Caitiff:ANY
3x Victoria 5 cel obf AUS Malkavian:2
2x Zoe 3 cel obf AUS Malkavian:2
1x Aleph 4 dom AUS Malkavian:1 / never goes anarch
2x Dancin' Dana (ADV) 6 dom obf AUS CEL Malkavian:1
Library: 76 cards
Master (14 cards)
3x Anarch Revolt
3x Madness Network
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
1x Rötschreck
2x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
2x Vessel
1x Direct Intervention
Action (3 cards)
1x Aranthebes, The Immortal
2x Nose of the Hound / dunk that anarch your prey has
Combat (16 cards)
2x Groundfighting / cancel IG or Terror Frenzy
6x Disguised Weapon
8x Dust Up / all about this one; avoid damage
Ally (2 cards)
1x Muddled Vampire Hunter
1x Carlton Van Wyk
Retainer (1 cards)
1x Mr. Winthrop
Equipment (7 cards)
2x .44 Magnum
3x Improvised Flamethrower
1x Ivory Bow
1x Bowl of Convergence
Reaction (33 cards)
7x Eyes of Argus
3x Forced Awakening
4x My Enemy's Enemy
3x On the Qui Vive
3x Spirit's Touch
6x Telepathic Misdirection
2x Delaying Tactics
5x Eagle's Sight
TWD Summer Rumble II (online), 25.07.2020
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