TWD Black Forest Base: Ascension, 14.09.2019

Turnierfähige Decks zu bauen, braucht Zeit und Erfahrung. Poste hier dein Deck, um konstruktive Kritik und Verbesserungsvorschläge zu erhalten.
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TWD Black Forest Base: Ascension, 14.09.2019

Post by Rudolf »

Gespielt wurde ein letztes Mal nach den "alten" Turnierregeln ... 8)
Black Forest Base: Ascension
Freiburg i. Br., Germany
September, 14th, 2019
3 rounds + finals
14 players
Winner: Rudolf Scholz

Deck Name: Swedish Legionnaires
Author: Rudolf Scholz
Description: This deck is based on a deck by Erik Mossberg (SWE). Made some changes, not all for the better, nevertheless the deck worked like a charm, especially in the finals. Score was gw 3 vp/1.5 vp/1.5 vp, entering the finals 3rd rank (2nd rank due to a drop). gw 3 vp in the finals, which ended in an epic heads-up.
Thanks go to: Erik and the whole Stockholm playgroup, for their kindness in general and for willingly sharing decklists. To my playgroup, for accepting to play on tournament level in every single casual game. To the organisers, Sebastian Meurer (new Prince of Freiburg) and the owners of the awesome shop "Kainskind" (Childe of Caine).

Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=1 max=10 avg=5.833333)
2x Anarch Convert 1 -none- Caitiff:ANY
1x Nicomedes 5 aus for nec vic Harbinger of Skulls:4
2x Babalawo Alafin 7 ani AUS FOR NEC Harbinger of Skulls:4
1x Solomon Batanea 5 nec AUS FOR Harbinger of Skulls:4
5x Erlik 10 AUS CEL FOR NEC THN Harbinger of Skulls:3
1x Erebus 7 dem AUS FOR NEC Harbinger of Skulls:3

Library: 90 cards

Master (20 cards)
1x Giant's Blood
9x Liquidation
2x Pentex(TM) Subversion
2x Rack, The
2x Vessel
2x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx

Action Modifier (11 cards)
2x Enkil Cog
2x Forced March
3x Inevitability of the Void
3x Call of the Hungry Dead
1x Daring the Dawn

Action Modifier/Combat (3 cards)
3x Breath of Thanatos

Action Modifier/Reaction (3 cards)
3x Spectral Divination

Combat (3 cards)
1x Martyr's Resilience
2x Target Vitals

Ally (20 cards)
6x Shambling Hordes
13x Emerald Legionnaire
1x Carlton Van Wyk

Equipment (1 cards)
1x Bowl of Convergence

Reaction (25 cards)
6x Eyes of Argus
3x My Enemy's Enemy
5x On the Qui Vive
7x Telepathic Misdirection
2x Delaying Tactics
2x Eagle's Sight

Event (4 cards)
1x FBI Special Affairs Division
3x Unmasking, The

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